Tuesday 3 February 2009

Sem. 2 week 2: Animating Splines and Channel Mood Board

This week the lecturer went through with us how to create simple spline animations. We learned how to attach an object like a box to a line and to make follow the line in animation and, using a camera, follow a line in a virtual environment resembling a rollercoaster of sorts.

Mood Board:

The Channels that I have in mind for the Idents at the moment are 'Channel 5" and "Animal Planet". I may lean more towards "Animal Planet".

The target audience for "Animal Planet" would be nature lovers, pet owners and possibly environmentalists. Some students may also watch the channel as well for the nature documentaries if they were studying Ecology.

The target audience for "Channel 5" would probably be a larger variation of viewers than "animal Planet" due to the multiple different shows based on different topics. The main audience would be movie fanatics seeing as there are all types of movies shown on "Channel 5", ranging from

Idea 1:

One of the ideas I have for "Animal Planet" is of a camera following along a Gazelle from the viewpoint of a lioness (I will probably use a spline tween to do this). The camera will continue following the Gazelle and will stop to show the animal planet logo.

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