Wednesday 8 October 2008

Week 3: Fruit Bowl Tutorial contd./Assignment ideas

I completed the draft version of the fruit bowl tutorial today. It's a little rough, but not too bad for a first attempt. ^^

Assignment Idea:

The months i'm planning on doing are July, September and December. I have a slight idea of what I wish to do for the months I have chosen. The months I have chosen to represent are:

July - For July I plan to do a summer theme, posibly eaither a beach ball or/and a bucket and spade.

September - what I have in mind for September is an autumn theme showing a 3D modle of a tree having lost it's leaves. The leaves, of which, are on layed on the ground and woud be coloured a variety of browns, reds and yellows or a combination of those 3 colours.

December - For this month I was thinking about the obvious theme of Christmas. With, again, a 3D model of a tree, but decorated with Christmas decorations, i.e : tinsle. The tree would also be planted within a plant pot of which I would either create by shaping a cuboid or by using the "Lathe Tool".

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