Sunday 5 October 2008

Week 2: Fruit Bowl Tutorial

In this session I found that both I and the lecturere were beginning to get to grips with 3D Studio Max a little bit better. I started on a tutorial of vreating a 3D fruit bowl and fruit inside it. What I found, was, as I worked through the Tutorial, I found that I interacted with interface and tools of the software more easily. It took me a while to create an "Apple" with the software and found it gradually easier when moving on to a "Pear" and "Banana".

I am yet to finish the tutorial however, but I am sure that I will be able to finish it during the next lab session of 3D Studio Max.


Daniel Reeve said...

Hiya mate, thanks for the comment. I have made another version of my fruit bowl, which came out better.

How are you finding the fruit bowl, you will have to upload an image of how you are getting so we can see your work.

Dan R

Tom Mortimer 0706560 said...

Hey thanks for the comment on the fruit, how are you getting on with 3DS Max now?