Wednesday 21 January 2009

Extn. Week 6: Septerber Autumn Scene


My idea for September is based on an August theme. Originally, I wanted to do 3D tree by mainly using the ‘Extrude modelling technique’. I decided to give up on that idea because it proved to be more complicated than I first imagined and at that point I was running out of time.


So instead, I decided to just go with a background image of an autumn scene.

(The above image is of a scene of a misty autumn field in the Yosemite National Park and was taken by Laurin Rinder. The image can be found at this website: .)


A modified plane with an image of fallen leaves on it with several texture maps on it to make the leaves stand out and look more realistic (shown below).

I produced the above plane by first creating the plane itself, modifying it by using ‘Editable poly’ and ‘Soft selection’ modifiers. After of which, I added several textures to the plane (as explained beforehand), Bitmap and two different noise textures to give the desired textured effect of fresh leaves, which I feel makes the image of the leaves stand out more.


The final 3D element I did was a, realistic, 3D, hollow log.

I produced the log by first creating a ‘Cylinder’, adding an ‘Editable poly’ modifier and reshaping the log into the desired shape, keeping in mind to make sure there were as least amount of straight curves on the log as possible because nature is never perfect. Below is an image of the finished scene.

You will also notice from the above image that I added a realistic shadow to log to help it blend into the scene more.

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