Tuesday 21 April 2009

Sem. 2 Week 10: Rendering of Idents 1 & 2 and continuation of Ident 3.

This session I had been busily working on mainly Idents 1 & 2 and partly on Ident 3. It is getting close to the end of term now and I'm trying to smooth out all the rough edges for this assignment.


Last week, before the Easter holidays, I began work on animating the particle system for the supernova Ident and putting the finishing touches on the revolving 'Solar System Ident'.


Today I continued on with the Supernova Ident, putting the final touches on the 'Particle Spray' for the effect of an exploding Supernova. Plus, I feel that the results of making a few adjustments to the [particle spray have proven VERY effective.

I shall hope to have both the 'Solar System' and 'Supernova' Idents rendered as video clips by then end of this week.

Solar System Ident: (draft)

Above is the first draft for the Ident of the revolving Solar System. Unfortunately there isn't any sound on any of the Idents yet and their probably won't be due to fact that I will likely run out of time to find any sufficient sounds for each Ident.

Supernova: (draft)

Above is the first draft of the animation for the Supernova Ident. I hope to have this finished by then end of the week the same as the Solar System Ident. Like the Solar System Ident, this animation has no sound on it as of yet.

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